GD Pharma is an innovative small scale pharmaceutical manufacturer based in South Australia. GD Pharma is a TGA approved, GMP facility dedicated to improving the lives of patients by providing high quality, innovative pharmaceutical products and tailored solutions.
Currently, GD Pharma specialise in:
Temperature and humidity have a direct impact on the quality of a product, both for the raw chemicals and the finished product. If stored incorrectly, high temperatures or high humidity can lead to unwanted and premature degradation of products, leading to a notable reduction in quality and stability.
Being a certified and regulated company, making sure our products are made and stored in temperature controlled environments is very important. This is where Thermochrons come in. We are using the Thermochron HC data loggers to temperature and humidity map the cleanrooms, warehouses and storage safes to ensure that the ideal conditions are maintained throughout the facility and instill further quality in our products.
An advantage of the Thermochron HC data loggers is their small size and maneuverability, which makes temperature mapping of the room an ease by the ability to place the Thermochrons in all possible locations. Whether that’s throughout the shelving containing stored products in our warehouse, or in discrete locations in our cleanrooms, the Thermochrons are easily positioned and effortless to work around.
Thermochron data loggers have become the solution GD Pharma needed to maintain compliance and guarantee that our products are manufactured and stored in the ideal environment.
Not sure which Thermochron is right for you? Need a hand setting things up? Got some strange data you want explained?